FlowiseAI Chat Customizer

Customize your FlowiseAI Chatbots to match your particular brand and style.

🚀 Start by clicking on the chat bubble, change the properties and copy the JSON code once your done.

Chatflow settings


Chat Window

Bot Message

User Message

Text input

Buy Me A Coffee
  "button": {
    "backgroundColor": "#3B81F6",
    "right": 20,
    "bottom": 20,
    "size": "medium",
    "iconColor": "white",
    "customIconSrc": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/walkxcode/dashboard-icons/main/svg/google-messages.svg"
  "chatWindow": {
    "welcomeMessage": "Hello! This is custom welcome message",
    "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
    "height": 700,
    "width": 400,
    "fontSize": 16,
    "poweredByTextColor": "#303235",
    "botMessage": {
      "backgroundColor": "#f7f8ff",
      "textColor": "#303235",
      "showAvatar": true,
      "avatarSrc": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zahidkhawaja/langchain-chat-nextjs/main/public/parroticon.png"
    "userMessage": {
      "backgroundColor": "#3B81F6",
      "textColor": "#ffffff",
      "showAvatar": true,
      "avatarSrc": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zahidkhawaja/langchain-chat-nextjs/main/public/usericon.png"
    "textInput": {
      "placeholder": "Type your question",
      "backgroundColor": "#ffffff",
      "textColor": "#303235",
      "sendButtonColor": "#3B81F6"